Primary vision at Vyasa Foundation being, creating a disability free India, Physical disability is the first thing and probably the paramount thing to tackle first. Since its inception, VYASA Foundation has brought back smiles on to the faces of many families belonging to the economically weaker section of the society and, who have gone through several uncertainties and challenges. Being the brainchild of highly qualified and experienced doctors and well supported by eminent personalities from across all walks of life, the foundation has made a huge difference to many lives by providing services under the followingHealth initiatives.
Health for All. All for Health

People Touch

Little Tree
The journey of a child in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit [PICU] as we have seen does take a huge toll on the child and the family. Sick children become Critically ill very rapidly giving their families no time to accept the condition or make arrangements for funding. Supporting a child in PICU is expensive for anyone. The fragile nature of a child with a serious illness makes the course in ICU highly unpredictable. Parents have no guarantee of outcome yet need to meet big financial demands very suddenly to continue care. Many parents even with reasonable socio-economic backgrounds are unable to cope after few days in PICU and become helpless. Here, they decide to take the child home discharging against advise, Invariably the child succumbs. For doctors having the skill and means to make a difference, yet unable to do so for financial reasons, is terribly disheartening. These families need financial and emotional support during that crucial concluding lap of the journey to help them bridge these difficult times and give a better chance
to their child to fight the illness and become a Little Hero.

Divya Drishti

Arthritis ( Move > Support > Inspire)

Safe Mother ( Safety Always for Every Mother)

Safe Child ( Safety Awareness for Every Child)
Protecting our children is extremely essential as they are the future of our country. The Safe Child
Program is designed to do just that by making parents, guardians and care givers of children, aware of the different critical factors like causes of children injuries and deaths, at the grassroots level in schools, colleges, hostels and other education institutions. It also includes training in giving first aid.

Eat Play Connect Right
Children’s Life Style focuses on what they EAT, how they PLAY and how they CONNECT to them-
selves, their family and nature. So, let’s get EAT – PLAY – CONNECT Right in children to build a
healthy Lifestyle practices for life One of the major issues bothering the children in the rural sectors is malnutrition. in Even in the urban areas although children are ‘well fed’ many are undernourished. The answer to all these will be to get our childrens Eating, playing and connecting habits right.

Well-Being ( For Mind, Body and Soul)
The initiative Well-Being is to educate, empower and motivate minds to stay positive, confident and well, in order to lead a healthy life.

Heal Diabetes ( Healthy Eating and Happy Living )
Education for AlL.
"No child should be deprived of education"
The key focus of PEOPLE TREE Foundation is to ensure quality primary education to the needy children especially from a rural background.

Under this initiative the Foundation has adopted 11 primary school going children in the last two years.

This initiative believes in helping
the needy UG students to pursue
and complete their higher
In the last two years 6 UG
students and one final
year Engineering student were
given scholarships.

This year the Foundation has set up a scholarship in the name of "Kondappa Mestru", a selfless teacher from the neighboring village of Nandagudi near Hosakote. We plan to support 2 deserving students from villages under this initiative every year.